The Cannabis Control Commission said this week it plans to hold a meeting on the Vineyard to talk about transportation issues and regulations that...
Oak Bluffs broke ground Thursday on a new wastewater treatment facility aimed at cutting down the amount of nitrogen flowing into nearby Lagoon Pond...
The Martha’s Vineyard Agricultural Society has chosen a painting by Traeger di Pietro as the winning entry for this year's fair poster contest. The...
There are three visible planets in the early morning sky.
Fresh from their Austrian tour last month, the Minnesingers take over the stage at the Martha’s Vineyard Performing Arts Center this weekend for two...
This summer, the Martha’s Vineyard Playhouse is bringing back two productions that sold out last year: Miss Maybelline’s Nocturnal Flights of Fancy...
An industry-wide shortage of maritime workers is hampering the Steamship Authority’s ability to recruit enough crew members for the upcoming season. 
This week, The Trustees of Reservations, the nonprofit that manages the 16 miles of Chappy trails, publicly objected to proposed regulations from the...
Aquinnah voters will consider funding for town building repairs, the creation of an affordable housing trust and a school debt exclusion when they...
From the May 12, 1967 edition of the Vineyard Gazette:
When I was quite young, in the late 1950’s, I remember pleading with my father as we were setting off on one of our Sunday drives: “Dad, let’s get...
The title of Kate Feiffer’s new novel comes from an exercise recommended by Julia Cameron in her bestselling book The Artist’s Way.
