On the afternoon of Saturday last the Island Home was described coming down the bay toward Katama, bearing on her gangway an object which for some...
Dacey Brothers, of Neponset, have taken the contract to build the railroad. They are under bonds to have the road completed and ready for the rolling...
“To be or not to be” - stock or no stock - railroad or no railroad - was the principal question before the community last Saturday, and the town and...
At a meeting of the associate subscribers to stock to form a corporation, to be called the Martha’s Vineyard Railroad Company, Feb. 24, 1874, Samuel...
At a preliminary meeting of those interested in the proposed railroad, held at Samuel Osborn’s office, in Edgartown, on Tuesday evening last, the...
I have returned, myself and one or two more of us, as well as a number of others who are not “of us.” The first thing of course, on arriving, was to...
Mr. Lemuel T. Talbot, formerly superintendent of streets in Taunton, has contracted to build the horse railroad at Vineyard Highlands, to be run the...
Having disposed of the “VINEYARD GAZETTE” established to EDGAR MARCHANT, its former proprietor and founder, we bespeak for him the same cordial...
It affords us sincere pleasure to announce that the question whether Katama was “to be or not to be” the scene of a new settlement and a resort for...
The carpenters are busy, notwithstanding the recent severe cold.   The first baby ever born on the Camp Ground was born on Wednesday, 6th instant; a...
The much-talked-of Dedication of the Chapel at Oak Bluffs came off last Sunday morning. The exercises opened at half past ten o’clock, Rev. Dr....
The new steamboat just built for the New Bedford and Vineyard Steamboat Company arrived here Monday night on her first trip, having made excellent...
